Poor oral health can affect the heart's health. This may sound absurd, but its actually true. Studies have show that people who are in need of a root canal treatment are 3x times more likely to get a acute conronary disease or simply a heart attack. Root Canal treatment is usually done if you develop an infection in the pulp of the tooth.
In an infected tooth, the bacteria from the tooth can spread t other parts of your body including the heart. If your heart is already damaged, it can worsen the damages by causing infection in your endocardium. This disease is known as Endocarditis. As a part of its defense mechanism, our body issues a system-wide inflammation to ward off the bacterial infection. This can be a problem for someone who does not have any history of cardiovascular diseases. Too much inflammation in the body can cause plaque to accumulate in your coronary arteries which can weaken or damage your heart. So if you are a person who needs a root canal treatment, don't delay it further and save yourself form the risk of heart attacks. If you don't know if you need a root canal, visit Expert Dental Care a thorough and complete oral check up.
For More Information visit us at https://expertdental.in/
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